One on One with Emil Sitoci
In our newest One on One segment, I sat down with Emil Sitoci, a guy who definitely is WWE bound. Hear from the tremendous one himself, how he got started in the wrestling business, how and why his character was built, stories about role models, travelling issues, ex-girlfriends, safe-sex and his future in the business. All this and so much more in “One on One with Emil Sitoci”. Enjoy it!
Im neuesten One on One habe ich Emil Sitoci zu Gast. Hört vom “Tremendous One” selber wie er mit dem Wrestling anfing, was ihm dabei wichtig war, Vorbilder, Geschichten über Ex-Freundinnin und Safe-Sex und natürlich auch über die Zukunft des Emil Sitoci. Viel Spaß!
Download: One on One with Emil Sitoci (27,9 MB, approx. running time: 1 hour)